The Buffalo Bills Are Building/Getting A New $1.4 Billion Dollar Stadium

NY Post - The billionaire owner of the Buffalo Bills appears poised to get a record amount of public funding for a new stadium in what critics are calling an unprecedented giveaway.

Gov. Kathy Hochul — a Buffalo native — is expected to announce in the next several days a deal in which New York State and Erie County agree to pay nearly $1 billion toward a new $1.4 billion stadium that will be located next to the current one, sources close to the situation told The Post.

The proposal for public funding would be part of the New York budget that needs to be submitted by April 1 to the state Legislature. If it passes, the stadium, which would be designed by an architectural firm called Populous, would be open as soon as 2026.

Bills Owner Terry Pegula — a fracking mogul worth more than $7 billion — had threatened to move the team from Buffalo if he didn’t get public funding to build a new stadium. 

A veteran New York government lobbyist says it appears government officials bought into the threat — even if it was a bluff. “Everyone in government folded like a cheap suit,” the lobbyist, who didn’t want to be named and isn’t involved in the negotiations, told The Post. “I am stunned.”

The lobbyist said it appears negotiations have happened behind closed doors, the lobbyist said. The lobbyist slammed the idea of Pegula’s team getting a billion dollars in public funding when there are more pressing needs like universal child care.

Universal child care? 

Have fun explaining to Pinto Ron that his beloved Bills moved to Toronto because his grandkids well-being is more important

But man, talk about going from the outhouse to the penthouse.

One of the biggest dumps in the NFL, Highmark Stadium will be no more pretty soon.

I love Buffalo- I love the people, I love Chippewa St. I love SoHo, I loved Encore. I love Stingers at Jim's. I love wings at Gabriel's Gate and Duffs. And Labatt Blue. 

I fucking hate the shithole formerly known as Rich Stadium.

For starters, Orchard Park might be a worse location for a pro football team than Route 1 in Foxboro. There is legit one way into the place and one way out. It's an absolute nightmare getting out of there post-game.

The suites are an absolute joke. How people pay premiums to sit in them is wild.

They feel like the concession stands at hockey rinks. Shitty tile floors with the smallest windows you've ever seen, at horrible angles, no heat, and dog shit food.

And I was also wrongly ejected from the place back in 2016 due to mistaken identity. Usher didn't want to hear it whatsoever and tossed me in the 2nd qtr. Bullshit.

But back to Terry Pegula and the Bills taking ONE BILLION taxpayer dollars to build his new palace...

Some anonymous, pussy lobbyist wants to go on the record because his clients got outspent and out leveraged by Pegula? 

Granted, I hate admitting it but I am in the same camp as that squid Bill Simmons in the belief that billionaires should pay for their own fucking stadiums.

Their favorite argument for why states should pay for their monster asset is that "they're creating jobs, generating tax revenue, and adding to community culture." All of which are true to an extent, but they're not letting fans in to watch the product for free. Or parking for free. Or eating. Or anything. 

They also love to point to the events outside of football their stadiums allow to play host to- like concerts, or Super Bowls. Which is also a good point.

The only thing in Pegula's case is they're not putting a dome on this thing. Which is insanity.

So no go on a Super Bowl right? 

Owners being allowed to hold a state hostage by threatening to move them is fucked up. I get that it's their property and they can do what they want but ask the lovely people of Cleveland, Seattle, or another city that lost a team due to an owner not getting their way what they think about it. 

And holding Buffalo hostage is exactly what Pegula did here. 

He owns half of downtown Buffalo, has his businesses headquartered there, he owns the Sabres, and he is singlehandedly building back the area near their stadium (and doing an awesome job to be honest). 

He bought a shit ton of land near the lakefront that was rumored to be the site of the new stadium. And like the shark that he is, he started planting seeds and rumors for a possible move of the team not far across the border to Toronto.

If you're the Governor and mayor who were in office "when the Bills left Buffalo" you might as well fake your death and change your identity, because you're as good as dead.

Now, similar to the Bears situation, except staying in the burbs vs. moving from downtown to the burbs, it seems the owners will be getting their way and further increasing the value of their prized jewel.

They'll also be building this one next to where the current stadium sits. Which as I mentioned above is a fucking terrible idea unless part of that 1 Billion is going towards massive infrastructure expenses.

p.s. - I sound like a bitter mother fucker it's because it hasn't been easy watching the Bills go from laughing stock of the AFC East to the new kings of it for the foreseeable future over New England. They've got the best QB in football not named Tom Brady, an unreal defense, a coach with balls (more than brains), and now, soon, a fancy new state-of-the-art stadium.

p.p.s. - enjoy some Nordberg

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